piątek, 3 lipca 2009

LPC python binding

Linear Predictive Coding binding to python (using Numpy).

I have used it as a filter:

Underlying code is taken from Princeton (http://soundlab.cs.princeton.edu/software/rt_lpc/)

You can dowload it from: http://www.mat.umk.pl/~mich/lpc_0.1.tar.gz
And be warned - this is only 0.1 version.

1 komentarz:

a pisze...

Hey man, i'm trying to use your python lpc binding but when i do:

import sndtools

it returns this error:

ImportError: ./sndtools.so: undefined symbol: _Z11lpc_analyzeP9lpc_data_PdiPfiS2_S2_S1_

What i'm duing wrong?

